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As an independent nonprofit and publisher with no institutional support,
we rely on our community to keep our work going!
Our innovative organization is growing every day,
with more exciting projects, partnerships, resources, and collaborations than ever.
Support our groundbreaking work with a tax deductible donation or subscription today!
It’s EASY to make a big difference with even a small amount.
You can make a one-time or sustaining donation directly to the OS
with any major credit card or bank account using the button below
send a check made out to: THE OPERATING SYSTEM, INC.
to The Operating System, 141 Spencer Street #203, Brooklyn NY 11205.

One of the best ways to get to know The Operating System
(and to support our projects and programs while getting a *HEFTY* discount!)
is by being a SUBSCRIBER!
You have an option to be a “Book of the Month” subscriber, and receive a book that retails at $16-$22 every month for just $15 including shipping (!)
to subscribe to our annual spring chapbook series. Awesome deals and a great way to support our projects!
Click on your choice below!
( FYI: this offer is only available for our friends in the US for now!
please email if you’re elsewhere and want to subscribe)
Want to be more involved? ROCK ON AWESOME PERSON!
Presses, printmakers, book and zine-artists might consider joining the Small Press Union.
Even if you have no experience with art or books — there is room here for you!
Send us an email with your ideas!