Mark Snyder, Ladies and Gentleman!
MARK SNYDER started writing plays in the eighth grade, casting himself in the juiciest parts. He now prefers giving real live actors that opportunity. His work has been performed at HERE, The Tank, the SF OOB [Samuel French Off-Off Broadway Play] Festival, the (sadly-defunct) Slipper Room, Pete’s Candy Store, and throughout assorted speakeasies and bistros throughout downtown NYC. He can be found riding his bike and churning homemade ice cream at home in Brooklyn, and at: www.facebook.com/markbsnyder.
**Editor’s Note: Mark has a terrific new play out, so he’s been sneaky and given us our WWWWHW answers in regards to A DECENT STRETCH, showing at THE TANK NYC on 4/28-29. We are so excited about the play (and bringing a cadre of folks — come with!) that we allowed it — for now. Check back for more on Mark’s creative process (the real WWWWHW) shortly!
What we cannot leave out of this profile is that for our inaugural A.C., no one fits the bill more than Mark — in addition to having a FT “job” (shiver) this man gets up every day before 5 am to write. The last play I saw of his was up at HERE… a month ago. And that’s about the clip he keeps. CONSTANT rigor. He is a marvel and an inspiration! (And look at those abs!)
Mark Snyder
A workshop production of A DECENT STRETCH, part of | the claque | QuaDs: Quick and Dirty Spring Series.
April 28th and 29th at 7pm
The Tank, 151 West 46th Street, 8th Floor, NYC 10036
Directed by the effervescent Maryna Harrison, A DECENT STRETCH goes a little something like this: Sasha Briar transforms herself into a self-help guru to battle the lost ladies who lunch in a suburban Indianapolis mall. A new comedy about lipo, power circles, and the delicious thrill of victimhood.
TICKETS: http://www.theclaque.org/site/performances/current/the-quick-and-dirties-quads-ideas-are-sexy/a-decent-stretch-by-mark-snyder/