AWESOME CREATORS *EVENT!*: Introducing Our Fantabulous Printers:: Leah Matthews and Kate F Ire Dedlow
This is yet another one of those moments where we must jump to get you a profile of some of the AWESOME CREATORS in our community in order to bring you a kid tested Exit Strata approved event!
You may have heard the until-recently-super-secret news that the premiere print publication of Exit Strata will have a super-special-super-delicious limited edition letterpress run, in addition to our standard run, and that this will be accompanied by a super-special-super-delectable limited edition broadside created in our community CoCo {Collaborative Content} salon? WELL.
I am proud to introduce you to our printers, both of whom work in the print studio at Pratt, and both of whom are producing remarkable, groundmaking work in their own right — mixing a range of print techniques with installation and multimedia to create environmental, experiential pieces quite unlike anything you’ve seen.
It just so happens that TODAY is the MFA Thesis show of one of our print team, Leah Matthews, presenting the immersive “Glitter Rock” at the Pratt Studios on Steuben Street.
Pratt Institute
Stuben South Gallery D
200 Willoughby Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11205
G Train to Clinton/Washington
Opening Reception Monday April 30 5-9pm
After Party, Project Parlor, 742 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn
*attend the opening and receive a $1off coupon for your first drink @ the parlor.
Our other printer, Kate F Ire Dedlow, aka Kate Fire, has only just completed her BFA at Pratt but is already well known on the East Coast print circuit as a young lion, having worked with a range of studios in letterpress and other techniques — we’ll be profiling both Kate and Leah in more detail soon, but do check our Kate’s inspired installation collages on her site, (here’s one view of her thesis installation) and look for their work on this first print issue, coming SOON to a hand/bookstore/shelf/launch party near you!