So with the wingspan I can stretch it is my hope to foster conversations that invite resilience, responsiveness and reflection. Just like bones need pressure for strength and growth, so does intelligence. It is my hope that the material I contribute fosters critical thinking, scenario planning, and appreciation for a more robust ecosystem. Regardless of how globally connected we are, we still have work to do to connect with our authentic voice and purpose.
Attribution is vital – so you will see references where possible so you can find these people for your own inspiration.”
In the rigor,
Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it – Hannah Arendt
When I was looking for an image for reflection – this image was the only one that would work as it has so many meanings.
I leave it to you to tell your story . . .
1) #reflection: Familiarity Can Be Dangerous http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jennifer-sertl/familiarity-can-be-danger_b_3272430.html … my invitation for rigor & courage via @huffpostbiz
2) #reflection: Daniel Dennett’s Seven Tools for Thinking http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2013/may/19/daniel-dennett-intuition-pumps-thinking-extract … via @timrayner01
3) #reflection: Sage Wisdom for Contemporary Time http://philosophyforchange.wordpress.com/2012/09/10/see-like-a-stoic-an-ancient-technique-for-modern-consumers/ … by @timrayner01
4) #reflection: Blue Ocean Strategy for Your Own Personal Brand
http://www.dramitnagpal.co.in/search?q=blue+ocean+strategy … by @DrAmitInspires
5) #reflection: How Serious Are We About Learning? http://censemaking.com/2012/07/26/how-serious-are-we-about-learning/ … by @cdnorman
6) #reflection: Replace GPS w/ a Compass http://www.josebaldaia.com/intuinovare/uncategorized-en/innovation-identify-needs-replacing-gps-by-a-compass/?lang=en … by @jabaldaia #a3r
7) #reflection: Map of Meaning
http://www.saybrook.edu/rethinkingcomplexity/posts/01-20-12/map-meaning … by @SaybrookU force function 1x per
8) #reflection: Global Happiness Index + Carl Jung + Happiness http://blog.ericbestonline.com/2013/05/row-row-row-your-boat-gently.html … by @ericbestonline
9) #reflection: If you don’t like your future, rewrite your past http://blogs.hbr.org/kanter/2012/06/if-you-dont-like-your-future-r.html … by @RosabethKanter
10) #reflection: The Myth of Free Will
http://www.enlargeexcelevolve.com/2012/10/hug-and-nudge-two-answers-to-one.html … my pov with @DrAmitInspires
Jennifer Sertl is an internationally respected author, keynote speaker & the president and founder of Agility3R. Agility3R is a training and development company dedicated to strengthen strategic and critical thinking skills. As a thought leader in the emerging field of corporate consciousness she uses neuroscience and existential philosophy to inspire leaders. Jennifer’s book Strategy, Leadership and the Soul, published by Triarchy Press in the UK provides an innovation model that integrates personal development and business strategy.
Most recently she was a speaker at the Asian Banker Summit in Bangkok, Thailand and at Sibos in Osaka, Japan discussing leadership, globalization and innovation.
Jennifer runs a business simulation strategy game called Interplay™ that facilitates awareness and personal accountability focused upon quantifying intangible assets and human capital.
Caring very deeply about the intersection between human values and technology, she is a strategic advisor to Washington, DC’s think tank Center for Policy and Emerging Technology (C-PET). She was also included in documentary Well-Being In the Digital Age produced by @RDigitaLIFE.
Jennifer has three children ranging in age from kindergarten to high school and is active in her community. She holds dual majors in English and philosophy from the University of Colorado at Boulder.